It was a stupid mistake. I knew I shouldn’t have been drinking and driving, but I did it anyway. I was at a party with friends, and I had a few too many drinks. When it was time to go home, I thought I was sober enough to drive. But I was wrong.
I was pulled over by a police officer for speeding. The officer smelled alcohol on my breath, and he asked me to take a field sobriety test. I failed the test, and I was arrested for DUI.
I was scared and humiliated. I couldn’t believe that I had gotten myself into this situation. I knew that I needed a lawyer, but I didn’t know where to start.
One of my friends recommended a DUI lawyer who I will call John. I called John, and he agreed to meet with me for a free consultation.
John was very understanding and sympathetic. He explained the DUI process to me and answered all of my questions. He also told me that he had a good track record of getting DUI charges reduced or dismissed.
I decided to hire John to represent me. He immediately got to work on my case. He reviewed the police report and interviewed the arresting officer. He also hired an expert witness who could testify about the reliability of field sobriety tests.
On the day of my court hearing, John was very well-prepared. He cross-examined the arresting officer and presented the expert witness’ testimony. He also argued that the police officer had not had probable cause to pull me over.
The judge was persuaded by John’s arguments. He dismissed the DUI charge against me.
I was so relieved. I couldn’t believe that I had gotten away with it. I knew that I was lucky, and I was grateful to John for his help.
If I hadn’t hired John, I would have been convicted of DUI. I would have faced a suspended license, fines, and even jail time. But thanks to John, I was able to avoid all of those negative consequences.
Getting a lawyer to defend me after I was arrested for DUI was the best decision I ever made. I highly recommend that anyone who is arrested for DUI hire a lawyer. A good DUI lawyer can help you get the best possible outcome for your case.
Here is a more detailed account of how John’s defense strategy helped me:
Challenging the probable cause for the stop
John argued that the police officer had not had probable cause to pull me over. The officer had claimed that I was speeding, but John was able to show that there was no evidence to support this claim. The officer had not used a radar gun, and he had not observed me driving erratically.
Cross-examining the arresting officer
John cross-examined the arresting officer extensively. He pointed out inconsistencies in the officer’s testimony and challenged the officer’s credibility. For example, John was able to show that the officer had not followed proper procedures when conducting the field sobriety test.
Presenting expert witness testimony
John hired an expert witness who testified about the reliability of field sobriety tests. The expert witness testified that field sobriety tests are not always accurate, and that they can be influenced by factors such as fatigue and stress.
Arguing for dismissal of the charge
John argued that the charge against me should be dismissed because the prosecution had not proven their case beyond a reasonable doubt. He pointed out that the police officer had not had probable cause to pull me over, that the officer’s testimony was inconsistent, and that the field sobriety test was not reliable.
The result
The judge was persuaded by John’s arguments. He dismissed the DUI charge against me. I was so relieved. I knew that I was lucky, and I was grateful to John for his help.
If you’re arrested for DUI in Broward County, Florida, it’s important to hire a lawyer. A good DUI lawyer can help you challenge the probable cause for the stop, cross-examine the arresting officer, present expert witness testimony, and argue for dismissal of the charge. Getting a lawyer to defend you after you’re arrested for DUI is the best decision you can make. And if you ask me, I would hire Jason Diamond and the Traffic Ticket Team J.

Call now or contact us for a fast, free, no obligation consultation.