According to Forbes magazine, these are the top 10 states for speeding tickets. Virginia, Georgia, Illinois, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Utah, Oregon, Kansas and Maryland. Judges in Carolina and Georgia, plus 16 other states, can add jail time. The national median for a first offender’s topend fine is $200, according to the NHTSA. You can also expect to pay over $300 more in the next few years for car insurance if you just pay the speeding ticket. This is not just a money maker for the insurance companies, the cities are making money big time. CNN/Money states, “The town of Lawtey, Fla., earns nearly 68.2 percent through traffic fines. As a result, AAA recommends its members use other routes. Summersville, W.Va., is another danger zone for leadfoots. The town, with a population of 3,200, gave out 18,000 speeding tickets last year.” See Below to learn how to avoid a Speeding Ticket in Florida or anywhere else.

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